Code of Arms
#graphic design / #design research / #editorial design / #poster design / #poster-zine
Graph has been used as a tool to construct and extract information in the investigation of leaked documents. The International consortium of Investigative Journalists relied on graph databases to investigate the Panama Paper. It is a very simple way to construct and analyse datasets with the use of only two elements, nodes and relationships, to construct a powerful visual tool and break down the complex information. The structure of graph databases is inherently visual, which make it interesting to me as a designer.
This is a collaborative project. We worked as a group to choose one site or database format as our starting point for critical explorations and to construct, extract and communicate narratives through using the graphs as a format.
The coat of arms symbolize the values of a country. They are also a window to their past traditions. In today’s hyper-connected world that is slowly isolating itself; in times of Brexit, border conflicts and the refugee crisis, we as a group wanted to create an artefact that could be used as a tool unite people.